FFS-PME Project: SINERGI BURKINA trains more than 170 paddy rice smallholder farmers in financial education

From May 9th to 14th, 2022 in Bagré, 172 paddy smallholder farmers, partner of Kokuma SA, were trained in financial education.

The modules budgeting and debt management were developed. The objective of this training was to empower the farmers in management to increase their chances of mobilizing microcredit to finance their agricultural campaign. At the end of the training, each participant received a tarpaulin to well dry the paddy. The farmers appreciated the training, which enabled them to become more aware of the need to develop and manage budgets but also learn how to better manage debt.

Kokuma SA, a local rice processing unit and beneficiary company, is a company Sinergi Burkina has funded to increase its production capacity. For the Managing Director of Kokuma SA, Mr Abbot Paul YODA, this training will allow producers to raise more finance to increase their production. For the FFS-PME project officer, Cyrielle TRAORE, this training will impact the volume and the quality of the production of these farmers and finally improve their standard of living.

About the FFS-PME :

The Program Facilitating Access for Burkinabe SMEs to Structuring Financing (FFS-PME) is a $7.6 million project implemented by Sinergi Burkina and co-financed to the tune of $1 million by the West Africa Trade and Investment Hub (WATIH) of USAID. It aims to facilitate the raising of additional short-term financing, complementary to the structuring financing of Sinergi Burkina. The Project runs from January 2022 to May 2024.