Bioprotect is a production and marketing unit for organic inputs (biopesticides and organic amendments) based on local natural resources (mushrooms, plants, agricultural and livestock residues).
Beyond producing and marketing organic inputs, Bioprotect offers other services that complement the input activity which are :
Arsène Savadogo is a graduate of a double master’s degree in strategy of agri-food companies and in economic and financial engineering of projects and public policies. He has been managing Bioprotect since its creation in 2011. He is currently coordinating a multi-stakeholder consortium (composed of INERA, IRD, ARFA, BIOPHYTECH and BIOPROTECT) led by Bioprotect-B which is working on a research and development programme on quality improvement of organic soil improvers funded by the European Union.
Bioprotect is supported by Sinergi Burkina through private equity.