
Soumaila Derra


Soumaila Derra joined the Sinergi Burkina team as a financial analyst in February 2021.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in finance and accounting and a master’s degree in accounting – control – auditing from the Aube Nouvelle University (AUBEN), a partner of the Institute of Computer Engineering of Limoges (3iL) and the University of the Mediterranean (Aix-Marseille II).

Timothée Ouoba

Seed Funding Manager

Timothée is the a Seed Funding Manager. Holder of a Master’s degree in Business Administration and Management from the University Joseph KI ZERBO in Burkina Faso, he has more than 15 years of professional experience in business capacity building, SME advisory and management of projects and programmes supporting the development of SMEs in Burkina Faso.

Before joining the team in June 2020, Timothée worked for 9 years at the Business House of Burkina Faso (MEBF) where he held the positions of Business Management Consultant, Head of the Project Support Department, Head of the Business Innovation and Advisory Support Department and Head of the Project Design and Formulation Department respectively. He has managed several SME support projects financed by financial partners such as the French Development Agency and the World Bank. Prior to MEBF, he worked in other structures, notably in consulting firms.

Nos partenaires

Comoé Capital est financé par plusieurs actionnaires ivoiriens et internationaux tels que des acteurs privés (dont Investisseurs & Partenaires, Orange, Hotter, Eurofind), des institutions bancaires (NSIA, SGBCI) et l’Agence Française de Développement.

Nous travaillons également avec des organisations à but non lucratif telles que la Fondation Jacobs ou des institutions gouvernementales telles que l’Union Européenne.