Zoé Industry

Sector of activity :Industry
Entrepreneurs :Jacob and Claudia OUEDRAOGO
Creation date : 2016
In portfolio since :2022

Zoé Industry is a company specialized in the transformation of local plant leaves, mainly moringa oleifera, into infusion tea. 4 flavors of tea mixed with moringa are currently on sale: moringa-hibiscus (bissap), moringa-kinkeliba, moringa-ginger and moringa-citronella.

A company lead by Jacob and Claudia Ouedraogo

Zoe Industry was founded by Jacob and and Claudia Ouedraogo in 2016. 

Partnership with Sinergi Burkina

Zoé Industry is supported by Sinergi Burkina through the I&P Acceleration in Sahel.

The support provided to the company will allow it to :

  • Strengthen its production capacity
  • Improve the quality of its tea
  • Improve its reputation
  • Strengthen its structuring